Our Story

I started painting at a very early age. I remember being inspired by my Dad, whose playful attitude helped me to feel that drawing is both fun and adventure. I particularly loved the feeling of putting pencil to paper, I was happy to draw anything: landscapes, details, my dogs. Sketching always felt calming: I was not interested in communicating some hidden message or view, I simply loved the process.


"Drawing is putting a line (a)round an idea." Henri Matisse


Sometime later, in my teenage years, I focussed on pursuing a normal career. I spent a few years studying and working the standard 9-5 (more like 7-6). Alongside my full-time job some 20 years ago I took up photography, a form of art that has taken me on many private and professional adventures, and I learned many things during this time, but my creative side still felt a bit overlooked.


"Photography is an immediate reaction, drawing is a meditation." Henri Cartier-Bresson


One day, I needed something to take me away from the busy schedule. I spontaneously reached up for a pad and made, what now feels like, a to jump back into the art world after a lengthy break. I can see now that the need to take up sketching had been brewing in me for the best part of the last decade: one of the reasons that convinced me that Leigh-on-Sea is the place to live was its understated architectural beauty and breath-taking landscape of the estuary. Most of my sketches take an inspiration from the architecture and scenery I see on my rounds through the town, and feature a few Leigh-on-Sea landmarks. Some drawings take me back to the town I grew up in and places I travelled to.


"Drawing is not what one sees but what one can make others see" Edgar Degas


I would be delighted if some of my drawings would invite the members of my community to look with fresh eyes at a building they had been walking past and taking for granted for many years. I feel passionate about making hidden gems of Leigh architecture visible again. I also enjoy the challenge of a commission, the pleasure of engaging with and capturing the emotion of love, joy or nostalgia for my customers’ special places, past or future.


Thank you for vising the site and reading my story. Enjoy your visit and please get in touch